How to remove dog smell from blankets?

remove dog smell from blanketsWelcome to another new blog, in this blog post, I will tell you how to remove dog smell from blankets.
Living with dogs provides great happiness, but it also presents challenges, specifically when keeping the freshness of your blankets.
Dog smell may enter into a blanket, giving them an unpleasant smell that washing them may not eliminate. While it may seem like an uphill battle, understanding the science behind canine odours is the first step towards removing dog smell from blankets
You may be sure that your home will have a familiar and comfortable feel by following the steps I’m going to you in this detailed guide to remove dog odour from blankets effectively.

The Science Behind Dog Smelling.

From compounds found in the oils of a dog’s skin to the proteins in their saliva, every element contributes to the overall odour.
Along with this, the pheromones released from the dog’s body also leave a distinct smell which makes us very uncomfortable.
Taking knowledge about these glands enables us to address the cause of odours more successfully.
Exploring the chemicals responsible for dog odours allows us to choose cleaning agents that specifically target and neutralize these compounds.

Common Causes of Dog Smells in Blankets

Natural Body Oils:

remove dog smell from blanketsI’m talking about the oils that come from their skin naturally. Dogs’ skin contains sebaceous glands that secrete oil, just like human skin does. These oils provide the skin with a barrier of protection and hydration, among other functions.
When your dog comes into contact with these natural bodily oils, they may drip onto blankets and other surfaces. These oils can build up on blankets over time and give them a unique smell. To keep the bedding fresh and to get rid of these oils, wash the blankets regularly.

Sweat and Saliva:

remove dog smell from blanketsDogs sweat through their paw pads and may drool, especially when sleeping. Over time, these fluids can build up and cause blankets to smell.

Outdoor Exposure:

If your dog spends time outdoors, they can pick up various odours from the environment, such as dirt, grass, or even other animals, which they then transfer to their blankets.

Bacteria and Mold:

Moisture from your dog’s body or environment can create a breeding ground for bacteria and mould, which can cause unpleasant smells to develop in blankets if not properly cleaned and dried.

Remove dog smell from blankets: step-by-step solutions.

DIY solutions that go beyond masking odours, offering effective and natural ways to combat stubborn dog smells. It not only freshens up your living space but also contributes to a healthier and happier bond.

Step 1-Baking Soda Deodorizing.

 remove dog smell from blanketsStubborn dog smells can be effectively tackled through the natural and versatile deodorizing properties of baking soda. Its ability to adsorb makes it very useful for getting rid of lingering smells from a variety of surfaces. Whether it’s carpets, furniture, or pet bedding, a simple sprinkle of baking soda can work wonders.

Step 2 -White Vinegar Rinse.

Many household problems can be solved with white vinegar; it’s a strong, all-natural remedy for anything from dog odours to other problems.
It is an easy and affordable deodorizing solution, white vinegar is a great option because of its acetic acid, which works to break down and neutralize odorous chemicals. Apply a solution made from one part white vinegar to two parts water to your dog’s bath to apply this procedure. Without using harsh chemicals, this natural substitute not only gets rid of odours but also helps with pet-friendly grooming.

Step 3 -Sunlight Exposure.

Using the power of sunlight exposure to your advantage can help keep your home smelling fresh and fight odours that just won’t go away from dogs.  Direct sunlight exposure of carpets, pet bedding, and other odour materials can aid in the removal of airborne particles and bacteria that cause disagreeable odours. Sunlight breaks down and disperses lingering scents, acting as a natural deodorizer in addition to being a disinfectant. To make the most of this technique, arrange pet accessories near windows that let in light or in sunny outside areas daily.

Choosing the Right Blankets for Odor Prevention

1. Materials That Resist Odors

Certain fabrics, like wool, microfibre, and some mixtures of synthetic materials, are naturally unable to hold onto smells. Microfiber’s densely woven strands prevent odours from clinging while simultaneously resisting pet hair. Wool is a naturally antibacterial substance that may ward against bacterial growth and repel odours. In addition, some synthetic mixes that are made to be durable and odour-resistant can make great blanket choices for households with pets.

2. Easy-to-Clean Blanket Options

Choosing blankets that are easy to clean is a smart choice if you want to maintain an odour-free and fresh living space while having dogs.
A variety of materials and designs provide for an easy cleaning routine that offers ease of use. Opt for machine-washable microfibre blankets, as they are known to be low-maintenance and odour-resistant. Consider purchasing blankets with washable and changeable covers to quickly address spills and pet odours.

Maintaining a Clean and Odor-Free Living Space

An environment at home that is peaceful requires regular maintenance of a clean and odour-free living area, especially when pets are present. Odors can be stopped in their tracks by following regular cleaning schedules that include wiping down surfaces, washing pet bedding, and vacuuming carpets. A fresher atmosphere can be achieved by using deodorizers, like baking soda, and making sure there is adequate ventilation. Furthermore, keeping a clean living environment is made easier by using blankets that are safe for pets and constructed of fabrics that don’t retain odours.

Specialized Products for dog Odor Removal

remove dog smell from blankets


ODO-RITE Pet Area Freshener 200 ml/Pet Odour Remover with Extra Spray Pump/pet Safe/Child Safe/bio-Technological Based/Skin Safe/Urine Smell Remover

check prices on Amazon


  • In the realm of managing both a domesticated companion and maintaining household hygiene, one encounters a formidable dual challenge. Selecting the appropriate accoutrements for pet care proves to be an even more formidable task. Enter Odo-Rite, a revolutionary remedy adept at eradicating any semblance of pet-related malodors and urine fragrances.
  • This aerosol proves its efficacy in expunging residual scents associated with canines and neutralizing lingering smells emanating from faecal matter or urine. Moreover, its versatility extends beyond pet-related areas, making it a comprehensive solution for any section of your abode. Incorporate this into your pet’s ensemble to ensure a perpetually clean, robust, and secure environment for your beloved companions.
  • The Odo-Rite Pet Area Freshener boasts a profound cleansing effect, orchestrating the natural annihilation of odorous elements. Initiating its remedial action within a mere 30 seconds, it perseveres for over 12 hours, systematically dismantling all odoriferous compounds inherent in organic materials without generating any noxious byproducts.
  • Distinguished by its biodegradability, ecological friendliness, non-toxic composition, and absence of chlorine or other deleterious substances, Odo-Rite stands as a testament to its pet-friendly design, fostering a secure and natural habitat for your cherished animals. Demonstrating a commitment to being an all-natural solution, it has been substantiated as both pet-safe and skin-friendly.
  • This marvel operates seamlessly across a myriad of surfaces, including but not limited to tiles, plastic, wood, glass, metal, marble, carpet, linen, and sofas. A testament to its multifaceted efficacy, Odo-Rite transcends conventional limitations to cater to diverse domestic environments with unparalleled finesse.

Product Description

 S.NO.                                  feature                              Description
 1.  Scent
  • Green Apple
 2.  Item Weight
  • 320 g
 3.  Net Quantity
  • 200 millilitre
 4.  Use
  • Pet Kennels
  • Pet Mats
  • Pet Beds
  • Pet Accessories
 5.  Type of Odour Remover
  • Natural & Hygienic
  • Chemical-free
  • Water-based Odor Remover



remove dog smell from blankets


Boltz Odour and Urine Smell Remover Pet Area Freshener for Dog and Cat with Lavender Fragrance (200 ml)

         check prices on amazon


 S.NO.                            feature                                 Description
 1.  Scent     Lavender
 2.  Net Quantity     200.0 millilitre
 3.  Use
  • Pet Kennels
  • Pet Mats
  • Pet Beds
  • Pet Accessories
 4.  Type of Odour Remover
  • Natural & Hygienic
  • Chemical-free
  • Water-based Odor Remover
 5.  Item Weight     200 g



To sum up, “How to remove dog smell from blankets?” necessitates a thorough strategy that includes quick fixes, efficient cleaning methods, and research into natural therapies. A durable solution can be achieved by customizing tactics to blanket materials, adhering to regular cleaning schedules, and placing a high priority on pet cleanliness. You can enjoy fragrant blankets and a more comfortable living space by putting the advice and methods in this book into practice. For best outcomes, keep in mind to adjust your strategy according to the kind of odour and blanket material.

FAQs: Unveiling Solutions to Common Queries

1. How often should I wash my dog’s blanket?
Regular washing, at least once a week, is recommended to keep your dog’s blanket clean and odour-free.

2. Can I use regular detergent to wash dog blankets?
Opt for a detergent specifically formulated for pet items to ensure effective odour removal without harming your pet’s skin.

3. Are all essential oils safe for pets?
Not all essential oils are safe for pets. Consult with your veterinarian to identify pet-safe essential oils for use in combating odours.

4. What materials are best for dog-resistant blankets?
Materials such as microfiber and tightly woven fabrics are excellent choices for blankets resistant to dog odours.


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